Veneers lab

LuraSmile Veneers

LuraSmile Labs has some of the most experienced dental veneer design artisans working for them. All veneers are created using the most cutting edge technology while combining the skills of the dental design artisans in creating each LuraSmile Veneer individually similar to having a suit hand made for you.

Each LuraSmile Veneer is designed in line with the impression sent to the LuraSmile lab by your dentist. Each LuraSmile Veneer is developed precisely with the impression and reviewed 5 times before it is considered finished.

Once this stage is completed the LuraSmile Veneer is then created by a trained LuraSmile dental artisan to an exact degree so that it fits your tooth exactly. Then and only Then is the LuraSmile Veneer able to leave the LuraSmile Laboratory as an approved LuraSmile Veneer.

With such close scrutiny the LuraSmile ‘Smile By Design’ Veneers are created with perfection in mind and created using the highest quality European porcelain.

Want a great smile?

LuraSmile ‘Smile By Design’ Veneers will help you get that great smile you always wanted. Affordable luxury for your teeth and for you.