Affordable Luxury for you

LuraSmile ‘Smile By Design’ Veneers are created individually from the finest European Porcelain by our highly skilled team in the LuraSmile Labs. In just two simple pain free steps you can have that Hollywood Smile to make everyone jealous. An affordable luxury for you and your smile.

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Only 2 easy steps!

LuraSmile Veneers will deliver you the smile you always wanted to have in 2 easy steps. The LuraSmile Veneer will help you have that perfect smile by fixing your teeth that are stained, broken, crooked, have unsightly gaps or even if you have teeth that are too small. LuraSmile Labs will design you a new smile which will be placed by an approved LuraSmile expert. This is all done with no invasive surgery or the harming of your healthy teeth structure.

Best price guarantee

Or patients are very satisfied with their results and feel the benefits far outweigh the cost.

Over the years our teeth will gradually deteriorate to the point we are not happy with how the world see’s our smile. By choosing to have our LuraSmile Veneers we can help you start to Smile With Pride again.

Experienced dental veneer design artisans

LuraSmile Labs has some of the most experienced dental veneer design artisans working for them.

All veneers are created using the most cutting edge technology while combining the skills of the dental design artisans in creating each LuraSmile veneer individually.

Contact Us

Call +353 (1) 5549654

We want to help you maintain your smile, even if you wait for your LuraSmile Veneers, we want to make sure you know all the ways you can care for your current smile.
These recommendations come directly from our dentists who care for hundreds of smiles every day.

Want a great smile?

LuraSmile ‘Smile By Design’ Veneers will help you get that great smile you always wanted. Affordable luxury for your teeth and for you.